Paige Turner is a digital agency based in Cape Town, South Africa. We specialize in professional ghostwriting services for the romance genre. Our clients are those looking to establish and maintain passive income as an insurance policy, who want to grow their self-publishing business, and anyone interested in adopting a fun and flirty side hustle.




Lana Wessels

30-something marketeer with a voracious appetite for romance novels. Likes long walks to the fridge and unputdownable epics. Passionate about financial badassery and helping women find their Happily Ever After under a Tuscan sun.


Bren Bradley

Swashbuckling queer who writes words for a living. Her perfect first date involves overnighting in a haunted house. Passionate about working when she damn well pleases and supporting others to achieve the same kind of freedom.


The idea for Paige Turner landed at the start of a global pandemic. The air was thick with fear and uncertainty and above all, frustration. So much so that it prompted a phone call - writer on one end, digital marketing sage on the other, and a question of passive income as a safety net perched precariously between them. The world was locked down, and so many people were down and out because of it. We wanted to bring together our skills and experience in a way that would uplift and enrich lives, and that was the spark that became our digital ghostwriting agency that could. We instantly knew it for what it was – a unique solution in the world of self-publishing. By offering affordable ghostwriting services, we provide our clients the transformative opportunity to take control of their finances no matter their skill level.


Our clients are at the core of who we are and what we do, because they’re the reason we’re doing it at all. That’s why we focus on establishing relationships based on reliability, transparency, and excellence. Every romance novel passed through our hands must be of the highest quality, delivered to deadline, and ready to hit bestseller lists. That’s why we have an amazing team of romance ghostwriters and editors ready to dedicate themselves to each project with the passion and enthusiasm needed to make that happen.


To help people grow in their power of being financially independent, whether they consider themselves writers/entrepreneurs or not.





Learn more | Paige Turner Romance Ghostwriting Services